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​There are many different ways we can go about to take a good photo. Most people just grab a phone camera and go at er. 

I like to take steps into creating a good photo, 3 keys contribute to a perfect finished product. The subject, Light, and camera type. If you have those 3 you will be successful in creating a good image. 

Its always good to have your camera handy because you can always catch one of those pictures that were spontaneous. 

Once I have a good photo, I finish it off by editing it to bring out the natural lights and colours to balance everything out. 

Hope this gives you a little insight on the work process!



A little about myself

Im a young student still in highschool, and have been taking photography for 2 years. This is a fun course, and has taught me lots. Many essential ways to take photos but also challenging ways to as well. 

I like to take photos in the moment of things or of really cool buildings. I like to take a image of say a old building and make it look even older and beat down, almost as if the picture was taken 100 years ago.

Some of my hobbies are to do music, play drums and dj. I also like to hang out with my friends and play hockey. I am into all kinds of music, but my main type that I always listen to is hip hop and rap.

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